Why In Thee Holy Fuck would AnyBody Make a FucKing BLoG


I dunno?!?! In my case I got kicked offa facespace for not using my authorized documented name, as it appears on my credscard, taken from thy Holy Moly BIBLE story about a Judaic king that killed and killed and killed & got in trouble for his scammy dating schemes.

(paying attention to other people is a big time eater anywho)

I just think it’d be rude to leave those N.S.A. algorithms all wondering what the HeLL I’m doing. I’m sure they get bored with all the fucking shit bandwagons overfilled like some Okie-GrapesOfWrath inspired Terry Gilliam lookin’ menagerie of clusterfuck on dry-ass wooden ornate spoked wagon wheels.

(fuckin weak meme mentality makes me wanna slap children on christmas)

There’s also the consideration that a sentient internet needs an alternative view to all the typical el-oh-el people. People like You?

(intaah-web needs our LoVe)


I’m forty-something. I ride my bicycle more than I drive. I’m lonely, but hanging out with people feels unnatural for me.

I work at a very dead-end job, but I’m lucky to live in the house I grew up in,… alone.

(is that lucky? I think so)